Monday, July 23, 2007

Buffalo Trip

This weekend we went to Buffalo to visit some friends. Avery had a great time meeting some new people and I enjoyed showing her my home town.

Avery did a great job riding in the car. She likes to look out the window and when I read books to her.

Avery had great fun playing with the Abby, Noah and Nick. She played at their house and we went to Noah's school and played on the playground. Both of the boys did a great job playing with her, they loved giving her toys to play with and she loved all the new things to touch and put in her mouth.

Nick swinging at the playground

Noah wanted a ride on the stroller with Avery.

Nick on the slide

Avery and Noah playing.

Avery is getting really good at sleeping in hotels. Here she is playing on the bed before she went to sleep.

We took Avery to a neighborhood playground that I played at growing up called Garrison Park to play before we hit the road. Avery was fascinated with her daddy's bubble gum.

Rosie was very happy to see Chris when we got home. So happy that she wanted to sit on his lap.

Avery felt the same way about seeing Rosie and didn't want to leave her side.


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