Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bee Sting

Last Friday Avery got stung by a bee twice while her and Chris were outside playing. At first he didn't notice and it wasn't until he picked her up to carry her in when she complained a bit but didn't really start to cry. Once they got inside he saw that there was a bee on her diaper and checked her to find that the bee had stung her on her calf and the back of her thigh. Luckily after close observation she showed not signs of being allergic.

Avery moves so much it is had to see where she got sting.

As you see she was in good spirits even after the bee stings.

Avery has been making a fish face lately which is really cute.


Blogger Valerie said...

I think I'm going to have to add Avery to my wall of babies that make me giggle. She's too cute!

9:16 AM


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