Tuesday, August 05, 2008

A Day at the Zoo With Grammie

Today Avery, Grammie and I went to the Zoo and had a great time. The weather was perfect, not to hot and lots of animals came out to see us. Avery walked the entire time we were there (over two hours), across the length of the zoo. She did a great job. I took LOTS of pictures!

The elephant was playing with the log and walked in front of us a few times. Avery was very amused.

The tigers were another thing that captured her interest as usual.

We had some guests join us for lunch. Avery and Grammie feed them crackers.

When we went to see the penguins there was one in the water swimming around. It started following our hands. It was really neat, it followed Avery for at least ten minutes she started to pretend to feed it.

Next we rode the Carousel, even Grammie got on a horse.

The last thing we did was feed the birds. Avery liked sitting next to them as Grammie and I feed them.


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