Saturday, January 03, 2009


We woke up Christmas morning, and brought Avery downstairs to open her presents.

Her new cowgirl hat.

And her new horse.

She was interested enough in her new guitar that she didn't really notice the bow I put on her head.

Say cheese!

Playing with her new castle. She threw the little price figure out, and wouldn't let him back in.

Stocking first.

Hat and horse.

We had an interesting predicament after nap. Mommy wanted Avery to wear a dress and stockings, and Avery wanted no part of it. "No pants! No pants!" she yelled. She wasn't real keen on the dress either. We struck a deal; she would wear red because daddy would change into a red shirt (from a blue one) and she could wear pants under her dress. And thusly we were able to continue Christmas. She has definite ideas what she wants to wear every morning, and it is getting hard and hard to get her dressed.

The third round of presents when Grandma and Grandpa McGee came over.


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