Sunday, November 30, 2008


The post Thanksgiving get together at Grandma and Grandpa's was full of kids. Avery had a grand time hanging out with cousins Alex, Nate and Lauren.

Butterfly Wings pt 2

After leaving her butterfly wings upstairs, we had a conundrum; get them, or just try on the other pair!


We went to Uncle Chris and Aunt Shannon's house for Thanksgiving. It was fun. There were kids everywhere.

Is that a wig? No, it's real!

Two little ladies.
Avery pushes Henry...
Henry pushes Avery...

Grandkids galore!

Little girls are delicious. Grandma and grandpa try raspberries.

Butterfly Wings

Avery decided she wanted to wear her butterfly wings the other day. I showed her what they looked like in the mirror.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In the Closet

Avery wanted to play in the closet the other day. Never had before, and even Rosie came in for a while, until she stunk the place up. Avery figured out the doorknob, and said "daddy, you stay in closet, be right back, go get ticket (coupon the carries around)."

More Conversations with Avery

"Who's here? Oh Daddy, its you!"- when I came home from work today.

"Daddy, this is my friend Mommy, you say hi mommy?"

" Daddy, you want to see picture of bald eagle? bald eagles say haw, haw."- showing me a picture of a bald eagle after work.

"I save daddy, boulder fall on daddy's leg." playing with a pillow and her horse.

"Rosie slide butt! Rosie slide butt!" When the dog does that thing dogs do.

Avery rides her horsie. Yee haw!


We built a fort the other day, and Avery decided to get on the "roof" crushing me under it. Then I held it so she could lay on it, and she had a grand time.


Avery likes to play with her hand. She makes it talk, and talks to it, and uses it as a character when she plays. Here she is playing with her hand and her Little People house.

Not Helping Daddy Rake

Raking a while ago, when it was still nice out. Avery didn't help so much as undo what I had already rake. But a good time was had by all.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Talking With Avery

From recent conversations with Avery;

this morning, after a bird pooped on my head;

me: "Avery, a bird pooped on my head."
A: "I'm wearing a hat."

"nice to see you" after reaching for someone's hand.

"be gentle!" while getting her hair brushed.

"all my friends are coming to grandma's birthday."

me: "who are you calling, Avery?"
A: "Uncle Chris"

while playing with the phone this morning;
"hello? no, he not home."

"1, 2, 3, 4, 6"

"rock and roll, daddy" making a musical selection (the Black Keys) for the ride to grandpas house.

"no rock and roll!" not liking Led Zeppelin on the way to grandpas.

more to come, as soon as we remember some more.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Avery dressed as a cowgirl for halloween. Lisa across the street gave her her first piece of candy, which she enjoyed. After visiting two houses, we came home and Avery passed out candy for the rest of the night.

Avery's opinion of carving a jack-o-lantern.

Catching Up

A few pictures from recently, more or less.

Say Cheese.

Cooking. I can't remember why she was cooking, but she came in to the kitchen and got a thing of some kind of spice and went to her kitchen and cooked for a while.

Halloween: jack-o-lantern, these two pictures sum it up:

A tentantive feel of the pumpkin...

And then a wholesale rejection of the idea of touching in the "gooey" insides. Last year she was all about making a mess. This year, less so.