Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Avery the Photographer

Avery loves to take pictures with whatever camera she can get her hands on. She was using her mother's point and shoot on two occasions, and I culled the best for your viewing enjoyment.

The camera doesn't have a viewfinder, instead it has a little screen. She still holds the camera up to her face though, looking at a spot where the viewfinder should be.

Dog's feet.

Rosie, wondering what Avery was up to now.

Red penguin. It is red because she had her finger over the flash.

"What fresh hell is this?"

I said "Avery, don't take a picture of Rosie's butt." Uproarious laughter, picture of dog's butt.

Me changing Jack's diaper.

More Jack

We have two cameras in use, so sometimes pictures get forgotten about. Here are a few pictures of Jack, both awake and asleep.

Catching Up

We all went to the mall to "ride" a pony on Saturday. Before the pony arrived, she rode the plastic one. We bought a few pictures of Avery on the real pony, so keep an eye out for them sooner or later.

Avery and I take a walk most nights, when we can, and she loves to put rocks in the sewer grate down the street. Some day the water dept. will have to come dig them all out.

Jack sleeping on his mother, which he seems to enjoy. At his 2 week checkup he was 9lb 2 oz, four days later he was 9lb 12 oz.

Avery and I went to what she calls "new park" quite a few times lately. It is Zane Landing Park and the bike trail along the river down town. Here she is sitting on an old foundation one afternoon.

Jack sleeping on his mother.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Since we have been home we have been adjusting to life with a newborn. So far Jack is a pretty good baby and Avery has been doing a great job with him. Hopefully it will last! Chris took a week off to help with the kids and took Avery to the park at least once a day and ran around the house with her pony.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Someone has a new brother...

More here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Coming Soon...

Stay tuned...

Monday, March 09, 2009


Here is a medley of pictures that we have not posted for a while!

Aunt Shannon made matching shirts for the cousins so on Sunday they come over to Grammie and Grandpa's house and we lined the kids up for a group shot. They all sat there for the picture without complaining (I was amazed). I also was surprised at how much there hair color is alike. I guess I never noticed it before!

Avery tried to give hugs to her cousins during the photo shot.

I went to get a pedicure a little while ago and Avery wanted to come to. I told her that I would paint her toes when I got home instead and as soon as I got back she admired my toenail polish and asked to have hers painted.

Avery loves to pretend to drive now. The other day we put her in the front seat while Chris loaded the groceries at Krogers and when he was done she told him he could walk home that she was taking mommy to school. Here she is with my sunglasses on and everything. Luckily she has her own Barbie car that we have been able to get out more since the weather has been nice. She is still working on pushing the pedal and steering together. I will have to take pictures later and post them.

Since I was put on Bed rest more than a week ago I have been forced to lay around. Here Avery some up to me and said "mommy do you want me to lay with you?" It was really cute so we cuddled and watched some early morning television.

I was SO surprised a few weeks ago to find that Beth and Jacie from school had organized a baby shower for me and a co-worker Angela (she is due a month or so after me). It was so nice of them and SUCH a surprised since school had thrown me one for Avery. They even thought enough to get Avery a present which she loved! She thought the balloons went along with the present and was so excited to have them. Thanks again Beth and Jacie!